Evolutionary macroecology lab

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Our lab focuses on the intersection between macroecology and macroevolution, considering macroecological patterns under an evolutionary perspective and evolutionary patterns and processes on a spatial context. In short, we work with macroecological theory and methods integrating macroecology with phylogenetic approaches to understand geographic patterns of biodiversity. We are based at the Evolutionary Biology Network of Instituto de Ecología, A.C.. We are also part of the Ecology & Evolution and Animal Biodiversity Graduate Programs of the Universidade Federal de Goiás (UFG), Brazil. In addition, we participe in the Applied Geographical Ecology group and Latin American Network for the study of Neotropical Biogeography (Red-Bion)

"Las áreas de distribución son las sombras chinescas producidas por los taxones sobre la pantalla terrestre: estudiarlas es medir, pesar y estudiar el comportamiento de fantasmas” Eduardo H. Rapoport