R code

We rely on R for most of my statistical analyses. Given the computer- and simulation-heavy analyses that we conduct on macroecology and evolutionary biology, we do some R coding to handle, manage, and analyze my data. Here, we provide some links for some of our R codes

letsR package

Bruno Vilela and Fabricio Villalobos created an R package to ease our macroecological analyses. Luckily enough, we published it as an application note in Methods in Ecology and Evolution (see my publications page). The package can be downloaded from the CRAN repository. Also, you can find the most up to date version of the package on its github page

I also have a personal github page with some R codes, although a bit out of date in several parts.

Macroecología - INECOL (Noviembre 2019)

Software y paquetes

Datos para ejercicios

Ejercicios/Scripts de R:
Species distributions
Polygons, Rasters and Scales
Range-diversity approach
Spatial filters
Null models
Rapoport's Rule

Ecología Numérica con R (Mayo 2019)

R data y funciones
Datos espaciales

Ejercicios/Scripts de R:
Clase 1
Clase 2
Analisis cluster
Clase 3
Clase 4
Interpretando PCA
Interpretando RDA
Clase 5

Atualidades em Macroecologia - Escola de Altos estudos CAPES, Brasil (Março 2019)

Course data for exercises:
Spatial Data

Course exercises in R:
Occurences and geographic ranges
Polygons, Rasters and Scales
Correlative approach
Ecogeographical rules
Path Analysis
Phylogenetic signal
Biophysical models

Madagascar Biodiversity Informatics Workshop (June 2017)

Workshop exercises in R:
QGIS exercise
Occurences and geographic ranges
Ecological Niche Modeling
Species richness estimators
Species richness gradients

"... for unless they could help us do something in the task of investigating natural phenomena, there would be no reason for choosing model building over astrology or mystic revelation as a source of knowledge of the natural world.” William C. Wimsatt